Standard Shipping Rates

Transit times are in business days and don’t include Saturdays, Sundays or Holidays. Transit time doesn’t include the day in which is the order is placed and/or packed. All Ground shipments are either shipped by UPS or by Fedex. All express shipments are shipped out Fedex.

  • Ground — 12.95
  • Express — 29.95
  • 2nd Day — 39.95
  • Next Day — 59.95

Shipping Times

The times listed below estimate the expected number of business days it will take for in-stock merchandise to be shipped from our facilities and delivered to you. (“Business days” means Monday-Friday, excluding holidays.) In some case merchandise may actually ship earlier than expected. When you choose “2nd Day” or “Next Day” delivery, we’ll expedite processing in our warehouse and then select the shipping carrier and method designed to meet the stated delivery. Please note: orders being shipped to APO addresses and US Territories cannot be expedited.
Order Placed By Shipped By 2nd Day Delivery Next Day Delivery
Monday by 10:30 a.m. PST Monday Wednesday Tuesday
Tuesday by 10:30 a.m. PST Tuesday Thursday Wednesday
Wednesday by 10:30 a.m. PST Wednesday Friday Thursday
Thursday by 10:30 a.m. PST Thursday Monday Friday
Friday by 10:30 a.m. PST Friday Tuesday Monday
Saturday & Sunday Monday Wednesday Tuesday
*Next Day and 2nd Day shipping times only apply to orders delivered within the continental U.S.

Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico & US Territories

Shipments to these destinations require USPS Priority (3 to 7 days) Delivery. Shipping rates are as follows:
  • Orders under $99.99 are $9.95,
  • $100 – $189.99 are $14.95,
  • $190 – $289.99 are $19.95,
  • $290 – $399.99 are $24.95,
  • and orders over $400 are $29.95.
    • Extra heavy items may be subject to an extra charge.

Holiday Shipping Schedule

Boldric is closed on Sundays and on the below observed holidays:
  • President’s Day
  • Good Friday
  • Memorial Day
  • Fourth of July
  • Labor Day
  • Columbus Day
  • Thanksgiving Weekend
  • Boldric is closed December 24, through January 2. All orders that come through after 2:00 p.m. on December 24, will be shipped out the next day.


Shipping laws are different in each country. It is your responsibility to check with your Customs office to verify whether the country to which you are shipping permits the shipment of your products. Boldric is not responsible for any direct, indirect, punitive, or consequential damages that arise from improper international shipping practices. International customers may order online using Stripe. International shipping charges will apply. International shipping charges will be calculated on a per-order basis and will be billed separately through Stripe. Please contact us for an International Shipping Estimate prior to placing an order with us. By placing an order for items to be shipped internationally, you are accepting our International Shipping Estimate as the official shipping cost. All shipping fees must be collected prior to the item(s) shipping. *CUSTOMERS PLACING ORDERS TO BE SHIPPED INTERNATIONALLY TAKE ALL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY CUSTOMS AND/OR DUTIES ASSOCIATED WITH THEIR SHIPMENT. Due to differences in shipping regulations, methods, and other factors, we cannot be held responsible for the safety of international packages. By placing an order to be shipped internationally, you, the customer, take full responsibility for your shipment and its contents (loss, damage, theft, etc.). We ship most international orders via FedEx.